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Showing all 4 results

With Toner Dampproofing Supplies Ltd, you can put your trust in our selection of Wykabor products to protect and make life simpler. Whether you’re looking for wood rotting fungi and wood boring beetle treatment such as Wykabor Boron Rods, powerful cylindrical implants that combat wood-rotting fungi and wood boring beetles in new or existing structural and joinery timbers, you’ll find the right solution here! We are sure that every timber treatment & preservation expert will be impressed by what we have on offer – look no further than Toner Dampproofing Supplies Ltd.

Are you passionate about eliminating wood-boring insects? If so, we stock the leading brands of timber treatment and preservation products that can help get the job done. Wykabor 20.1 Gel is one such product – a boron based wood treatment designed to protect timbers from damage caused by wood-boring insects, dry rot, wet rot and much more! It’s perfect for joist ends, purling, wall plates cut ends and rafter ends – in short: everything you could possibly need to keep your timber safe!

More high-performance products within the Wykabor range include Wykabor 10.1, it is an aqueous wood preservative based on disodium octaborate and benazalkonium chloride for the eradication of common furniture beetle (Anobium Punctum) and other wood boring insects in building timbers like hylotrupes bajulus (House Longhorn Beetle), lyctus brunneous (Powderpost Beetle), xestobium rufuvillosum (Deathwatch Beetle), emobius mollus (Bark Borer), euophryum confine and pentarthrum huttoni (Wood Boring Weevil).

Wykabor 40.1 is a go-to choice for those who prefer practical solutions when it comes to wood preservation. This glycol-based formula contains disodium octaborate tetrahydrate and has been designed specifically for injection into larger timber pieces in order to protect them against wood boring insects, wet rot, dry rot, and other fungal decay. Wykabor 40.1’s active ingredients are especially beneficial when used with damp or wet timbers that come into contact with masonry like wall plates and joist ends as they migrate effectively through high risk areas!